

New publications 2022 - 17.05.2022

New position - postdoctoral research assistant - 20.12.2017

Laboratory of advanced optical microscopy, Inst. of Microbiology, in Nove Hrady is looking for a postdoctoral research assistant.

New position - postdoctoral research asistent II. - 09.10.2017

Laboratory of advanced optical microscopy, Inst. of Microbiology, in Nove Hrady is looking for a postdoctoral research assistant.

Research assistant position - 07.09.2016

Research assistant position in the "Czech-Austrian Center for Supracellular Medical Research (CAC-SuMeR)";
Czech Academy of Sciences, Nove Hrady, Czech Republic A research assistant position is available from 1st of October 2016 in the group of Jost Ludwig at the Center for Nanobiology and Structural Biology, Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Nove Hrady, Czech Republic.

Postdoctoral position; - 02.09.2016

Postdoctoral position; Structure and function of cation translocation systems: modeling and simulations; Czech Academy of Sciences, Nove Hrady, Czech Republic


CO-AUTHORED BY VASLINA ZAYATS, SAURABH KUMAR PANDEY AND RUDIGER ETTRICH FROM CNSB- 1. A calcium accumulating region, CAR, in the Orai1 channel enhances Ca2+- permeation and SOCE-induced gene transcription. 2. Cholesterol binding modulates Orai1 channel function


CO-AUTHORED BY IVANA KUTA SMATANOVA AND MARYNA LAHODA FROM CNSB- Dynamics and hydration explain failed functional transformation in dehalogenase design

Poster award at the EMBO/EMBL Symposium in Heidelberg, Germany. - 05.11.2013

At this years EMBO/EMBL Symposium: Seeing is believing- Imaging the Processes of Life, that took place October 3-6 in Heidelberg, Germany, Alex Bondar from the department of cell biology of INSB was awarded a hounorable mention for his poster entitled "G protein signalling studied by two-photon polarization microscopy"

New research grants awarded - 01.02.2013

Assoc. Prof. Rudiger Ettrich was awarded a 4-years grant for investigating the Symmetric Allosteric Mechanism of Hexameric Escherichia coli Arginine Repressor using Computational Simulations (Czech Science Foundation 13-21053S).

Dr. Josef Lazar was awarded a 5-years grant to gain insights into protein structure from polarization fluorescence microscopy (Czech Science Foundation 13-10799S).

Prof. Ivo Safarik was awarded a 3-years grant for the study of magnetic composite materials for removal of pollutants (Czech Science Foundation 13-13709S, with co-applicant Prof. Jana Seidlerova from from the Technical University in Ostrava).

Dr. Babak Minofar will participate in a 4-years grant at his co-afffilation at the University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Sciences, "Počítačové modelování interakcí organické hmoty a biomolekul s minerálními povrchy" (Czech Science Foundation 13-08651S, awarded to Dr. Milan Predota, University of South Bohemia).


Open PhD positions in INSB, please click here - 12.08.2012

The Institute of Nanobiology and Structural Biology offers several open PhD positions in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences at the University of South Bohemia. The regular duration of PhD studies at INSB is 4 years, including a two month research stay abroad. The student is awarded a stipend that covers all expenses for a maximum duration of four years. Social and health insurance for this time is covered by INSB. Student housing on campus is available.



PF 2012 - 31.12.2011

Nove Hrady, 31.12.2011

Vazeni a mili kolegove a pratele, dear collegues and friends,

zase se blizi konec roku a nastava cas se na chvili zastavit a premyslet. Rád bych všem vědeckým, administrativním a provozním pracovníkům našeho ústavu v Nových Hradech a v Českých Budějovicích poděkoval za excelentní pracovní výsledky, které v tomto prvním roce naše existence jako samostaný ústav odvedli. Srdečně přeju Vám všem šťastný a uspešný nový rok, pohodu v rodine a klid v dusi, optimismus a silu, aby Vám vydželo zdravi, ta spravna porce šťesti a chuť zkoušet neco nového, s nadhledem a tolerancii!

and once again a year comes to its end, giving us the opportunity to stop for a while, meditate a little, and reflect the past. I would like to thank all our scientists, administrators and technical staff for their excellent work in the first year of our existence as an independent institute. I wish you all a successful and happy new year, peace, quietness, optimism and power for the new year to come, a year in which we will find you hopefully healthy, with the right portion of luck and happiness, looking forward to new experiences and full of optimism and tolerance!

Yours sincerely

Rudi Ettrich

Director of INSB

New research grants awarded - 18.10.2011

Assoc. Prof. Rudiger Ettrich was awarded a 5-years grant for the study of Cleavage and translocation by Type I restriction-modification complexes (Czech Science Foundation P207/12/2323, with co-applicants Dr. Marie Weiserova from the Institute of Microbiology in Prague, and Dr. Lumir Krejci from the Science Faculty at Masaryk University in Brno).

Assoc. Prof. Ivana Kuta Smatanova was awarded a 5-years grant to her co-affiliation at the University of South Bohemia for the study of Structure-function relatiosnhip in haloalkane dehalogenases (Czech Science Foundation P207/12/0775 with co-applicant Dr. Radka Chaloukova from the Science Faculty at Masaryk University in Brno).


1st Visegrad Symposium on Structural Systems Biology, November 29th-December 2nd, 2011 - 07.10.2011

The 1st Visegrad Symposium on Structural Systems Biology organized jointly by the Jagellonian University in Crakow, Poland, the University of Szeged, Hungary, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, and the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic will be held in Nove Hrady in November 29th-December 2nd, 2011.


A novel microscope allows observing molecular processes in living cells - 04.07.2011

Josef Lazar, Alexey Bondar, Štěpán Timr, Stuart Firestein: Two-photon polarization microscopy reveals protein structure and function, Nature Methods, NMETH-A09862F, 2011.

5th meeting of the Free&Open Bioinformatics Association (FOBIA) of the Czech Republic - 01.04.2011

The 5th meeting of Czech Bioinformatics Association – FOBIA will be held in May, 4-6, 2011 in the Chateau Nove Hrady, an academic retreat about 150 km south of Prague.


IX Discussions in Structural Molecular Biology, Nové Hrady, March 24-26 2011 - 09.03.2011

"IX Discussions" will be held at the usual place and at the usual time, in Nové Hrady from early afternoon Thursday, March 24 till Saturday noon, March 26.